CWA – Student Registration

Student Registration V11

Signup Information

CW Academy offers four levels of classes based upon operator CW proficiency: Beginner, Fundamental, Intermediate or Advanced.

  • The Beginner level, as the name implies, is for people who have little or no Morse code knowledge. Choose the Beginner class if that is your situation
  • The Fundamental class is for people who have learned the Morse code characters and are capable of sending and receiving CW at about 6 words per minute and wish to increase that capability to about 12 words per minute
  • The Intermediate class is for people who are capable of sending and receiving Morse code at a minimum of 10 words per minute and wish to increase that capability to about 20 words per minute
  • The Advanced class is for people who are capable of sending and receiving Morse code at a minimum of 20 words per minute and wish to increase that capability to about 30 words per minute

Classes at the CW Academy are free of charge. The advisors and staff are a volunteers who have a passion for CW. Classes are eight weeks long and held in January - February, May - June, and September - October. Classes meet twice a week for about an hour. Between classes the students have daily homework assignments which will take about an hour to complete.

Minimum essentials:

  • High speed broadband internet access
  • Computing device (desktop, laptop)
  • Webcam (camera, microphone) either built-in or USB add-on
  • Key paddle (single lever or dual lever. Straight keys or Bugs are not allowed)
  • Keyer with sidetone or radio with built-in keyer and sidetone
  • Dedication to 60 minutes of daily practice
  • Comfortable understanding and speaking the English language unless previous arrangements have been made

Students are limited to one registration at a time in the system. When you have completed a class you may register for a future class.

To get started, please enter your call sign (or your last name if you do not have a call sign) and select the class level you are considering. Note: call sign may not include a space, hyphen, or a slash.

Call Sign
(if you do not have a call sign, enter your last name)
Class Level Beginner
Email Address
Important! Make certain that the email address you enter is spelled correctly and is complete. All communication from CW Academy is by email.
Semester 2024 Sep/Oct
2025 Jan/Feb
2025 May/Jun

V11. Prepared at 2024-07-27 07:54:30

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